Friday 11 January 2013


Different costumes of bands promote a different image of the band, weather they dress cooly                     and stylish or messy and arrogant.

like the arctic monkeys who dress very arrogant and portray there bands music and image through costume but other bands like enter shakari play heavier music and their costume does not represent their music in the slightest.

i would our band till yesterday to represent the music we play weather it be up beat and jazzy our costume to be laid back and friendly or weather it be aggerssive dress like we owned the music world like what the arctic monkeys have done in their latter career. 

AS image is such a massive part of the band i would like to allow the room for us to change our image just like the arctic monkeys from loveabkle kids trying to make to aroggant guys who dont care about the public just want to play music. 

Creating a specific time ear for example the 60's, creating an iconic mod like image like the jam, smart slick image  very iconic and represents the music.